FAQ Reserved Area

FAQ Reserved Area

FAQ Reserved Area

Here you can find information about the functionalities available in your reserved area.

In your Personal Area you can manage 2 archives: the archive of titles catalogued as POD/E-POD and the archive for runs.

POD/E-POD Titles:
Here you can add or edit titles in your POD archive. You can also issue estimates and order copies.

Order Tracking:
Here you can monitor and see the details of the POD orders of your books from distributor.

Titles History:
Here you can perform searches by single title and see the records of the corresponding orders (from distributor and/or your Personal Area).

POD/E-POD Titles:
Here you can add or edit titles in your POD/E-POD archive. You can also issue estimates and order copies.

Order Tracking:
Here you can monitor and see the details of the E-POD orders of your books from your e-commerce/system.

Titles History:
Here you can perform searches by single title and see the records of the corresponding orders (from your e-commerce/system and/or your Personal Area).

*The archives POD/E-POD archives will be activated and usable only after contracts for POD services and or E-POD have been stipulated. For more info, contact us.

Runs Titles:
Here you can add or edit titles in your runs archive. You can also issue estimates, order runs and copies.

Order Tracking:
Here you can monitor and see the details of the runs and test copies from your Personal Area.

Titles History:
Here you can perform searches by single title and see the records of the corresponding orders from your Personal Area.

► The ACCOUNT DATA section is shared by both archives and allows management of:
• billing data
• the list of delivery addresses
• payment data
• the POD contract, the E-POD contract and the Runs contract
• your account (change username, password, managing additional users)

In the "POD/E-POD Titles" table you can see and manage the books in the POD/E-POD archive.
The system envisages the management of the local version of the title (on the left side of the table) and the version in production (the last 2 columns on the right), separated by a green "Update" arrow/button.
The title entry wizard allows specification of all the technical information and to upload the files needed for printing. After correctly entering a title in the archive (local version), the book moves to "Concluded" status. You can see all the information relating to the local version in the table at any time:
• data entered in the archive
• the jpg preview of the cover, with evidence of the cutting marks and the spine and the Datamatrix/QR code position.
• the summary of the technical characteristics specified in the entry phase
• the pdf of the cover and content uploaded for this title
• the date and time of the last change
• the status
• a column with the possible local actions on the title: Edit, delete and switch to runs.

The green "Update" arrow/button allows the update of the local version to production. This function is very important because it allows the production of a final version of the book and, in the meantime, if necessary, it allows all the changes required on the local version, without "affecting" the version that is actually printed.
The "Update" button is disabled when the 2 versions (local and in production) are correctly aligned.
Every time a change is made to the local version, the button is enabled and, to update the version in production, all you have to do is click the green arrow.

In the last 2 columns on the right, it is possible to see the date and time of the last update (or highlight that the title is being updated), the pdf of the cover and content and the actions possible on the version in production:
• Quotation: the printing prices are shown, in accordance with the technical specifications defined.
• Buy: by clicking on this button you can order copies of the title.

*“The POD/ E-POD Titles” page will be activated and usable only after contracts for POD services and or E-POD have been stipulated. For more info , please contact us.

In the "Runs Titles" table you can see and manage the books in the Runs archive.
The system envisages the management of the local version of the title (on the left side of the table) and the version in production (the last 2 columns on the right), separated by a green "Update" arrow/button.
The title entry wizard allows specification of all the technical information and to upload the files needed for printing. After correctly entering a title in the archive (local version), the book moves to "Concluded" status. You can see all the information relating to the local version in the table at any time:
• data entered in the archive
• the jpg preview of the cover, with evidence of the cutting marks and the spine and the Datamatrix/QR code position.
• the summary of the technical characteristics specified in the entry phase
• the pdf of the cover and content uploaded for this title
• the date and time of the last change
• the status
• a column with the possible local actions on the title: Edit, delete and switch to POD/E-POD (only if the POD or E-POD service is active).

The green "Update" arrow/button allows the update of the local version to production. This function is very important because it allows the production of a final version of the book and, in the meantime, if necessary, it allows all the changes required on the local version, without "affecting" the version that is actually printed.
The "Update" button is disabled when the 2 versions (local and in production) are correctly aligned.
Every time a change is made to the local version, the button is enabled and, to update the version in production, all you have to do is click the green arrow.

In the last 2 columns on the right, it is possible to see the date and time of the last update (or highlight that the title is being updated), the pdf of the cover and content and the actions possible on the version in production:
• Quotation: the printing prices are shown, in accordance with the technical specifications defined.
• Buy: allows one or more print runs to be added to the cart.

Yes, even if there are pending orders (in the case of awaiting bank transfer) or in process, it is possible to update the production version of a book.

This allows the modification and upgrading of a version of a book in a timely manner. The change will be made available from the next order or in the case of reprinting.

Yes, of course. In the "Order tracking" you can see:
• the details of the orders arriving from the distributor (if the POD service is active)
• details concerning the E-POD orders (if the E-POD service is active)
• orders that you initiate using the reserved area and its details: the ID, the amount, type of payment, the date and the order status.

For all types of orders you can also view the production tracking (update on the number of copies printed and mailed). To order ended, you can see the related documents (eg. cvs file with details of the order or order confirmation pdf, invoice and shipment transport documents).

Yes, of course. In the "Titles History" section you can search for and see all the orders placed for a specific title (search by ISBN or full title).

Yes, from your Personal Area section "Titles History" you can view and consult the history of each title entered in the database, even for titles that were subsequently deleted.

You can cancel an order until it is taken charge of for processing, then only if it is in "Awaiting bank transfer" or "Arrived" status.
If an order is in "Arrived" status, you will receive an e-mail confirming cancellation. If you have already paid, we will refund the amount using the same payment method used when placing the order.

Yes, from your Private Area - the section "Account data / My Account" you can add the correlated account to your main account.

For each account created, you can specify which sections can be displayed and what actions can be carried out within the portal.
This feature is very useful to display the user’s area of expertise (eg for accounting you will be able to view only the part relating to invoices or payments, or you will be able to upload the archive titles to the graph without the placing orders, etc.).